Share 15 DIY Raised Garden Bed Ideas

More and more people are now discovering the advantages of growing raised gardens over traditional garden beds.

Properly build a raised garden bed and you'll have more vegetables and flowers to deal with. They don't have to be expensive, either.

Today, Yipin rounded up 15 recycled DIY garden bed ideas that can easily fit your budget.

Raised garden beds use less area than a traditional garden. Their portability allows you to place them where they receive the best sunlight.

This is why they are becoming more and more popular in urban communities. You can start a garden in a park and provide food relief to your neighbors.

1. Brick garden beds for herbs

Spiral herb garden beds have a unique look. Gardens have lots of plants in a small space. If you have access to recycled brick, that's a good idea. Make sure the bricks you use come from a source that hasn't been exposed to a lot of chemicals.

When planning your herb garden, choose a site that receives about five hours of sunlight per day.

2. Brick flower beds for growing vegetables

When you brick a raised planter, there is no need to use mortar to secure them if the overall height is low.

The first row of bricks is set partially below the ground to stabilize them. It can be seen how the curved bricks are set at an angle, while the flat sections in the middle are set in the traditional offset way.

3. Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed

Cinder Blocks are a quick and easy way to use new cinder blocks made from cement. Ash from old cinder blocks seeps into the soil.

Check the pH balance of your soil to make sure it stays at the right level for your plants.

4. Colorful Plastic Raised Garden Beds

Plastic bottles can be decorated and filled with dirt. Simply tie or glue them together to build walls. This will work with different sized bottles, depending on the plants you're growing.

5. Fabric Garden Beds

Felt-like fabric is specially made for garden beds. These fabric beds are the fastest way to create a raised garden. They come in different heights and widths for different projects.

The beds allow more oxygen to reach the plant roots. Gardens don't get moisture, so it's important to water the beds regularly.

6. Steel Frame Garden Bed

Its ability to adapt to any contour makes it a popular solution for irregularly shaped gardens.

Its primary use is garden edging, but can be ordered in widths to provide the height needed for use as raised garden beds.

Galvanized metal is an excellent choice for building raised garden beds. They won't rot or decompose like wood. They warm up in the sun, but not enough to harm your plants. They're lightly sandblasted so the metal won't affect your veggies.

7. Log Raised Garden Bed

If you can get free logs then this is the best option for building your bed. Over time, the logs will decompose, fertilizing the soil.

If the wood is hard enough, the decomposition process will not be noticeable for five to six years.

For the same reason, pressure-treated lumber and railroad ties should not be used in vegetable gardens.

8. Modern Raised Garden Bed

Even if you have room for a large garden, modern raised garden beds require a lot of planting work. You don't have to worry about tilling the soil or clay beds. Just add garden lining, proper drainage and the right potting soil mix.

As they can be built on urban rooftops, raised garden beds are used to teach gardening to schoolchildren in the inner city. They are also used by restaurants.

9. Garden beds made from old tires

Using tires in the form of raised garden beds has become a popular upcycling project. They can be used with vegetables or as a shrub or flower upgrade.

You may need to remove some sidewall material to make more room for plants to grow. Color them to complement your landscape.

The metal used to make tires won't seep out until the outside starts to deteriorate. The chemicals used are insoluble in water, so they won't seep out when you water your garden.

10. Simple Brick Planter

This is the easiest way to use red brick in a flower bed. They are aesthetically pleasing and can be used in the most formal landscapes.

The earthy color of the pots goes well with the red bricks.

11. Stone Garden Bed

Building raised garden beds out of large rocks is tiring, but worth the effort.

They have a natural, organic aesthetic, require only a few tweaks to hold the soil in place, and last for years.

Since you don't have to worry about covering the path around the bed, you can choose any combination that suits your style.

12. Sink Loft Bed

Sinks are ideal raised garden beds for gardeners who have difficulty working low in the ground.

They are tall enough to accommodate plants that require deep soil. You'll have to drill holes in the bottom or add rocks for drainage. Pick up at the farm supply store.

13. Wooden Raised Garden Beds

Here's an easy way to utilize waste wood. Boards are cut to a uniform width. A striking height adds interest and is easier to achieve than creating a uniform height.

Add white rocks as edges, creating a nice border along the grass lines.

Stay away from pressure-treated lumber and pallet lumber that may have been exposed to chemicals.

14. Wooden Raised Vegetable Garden Bed

Raised garden beds made of wood may not be as durable as gardens made of other materials, but their beauty is unmatched.

Use the same wood for the trellis for a cohesive look. Look for a screen with a protective coating to avoid metal contamination of edible plants.

15. Woven Wicker Garden Bed

When you have a basic understanding of soft willow weaving, you can create stunning raised garden beds. Using tree branches as a cage adds height and drama to this garden.