garden cleanup
Do a general cleanup to remove weeds, fallen branches, dead leaves, and other debris from flower beds and flower beds. Remove litter from deciduous grasses and herbaceous perennials. Place the dead organic matter you remove in a compost pile or container to break it down. Remove any weeds you can see, then burn or put them in the trash. Don't compost them because the seeds will germinate and cause you more problems later. If the winter is still wet, wait until the soil dries out before pulling any weeds, as this may damage the soil structure. Dry soil also keeps the texture aerated, helping plants thrive. If you don't know if it's dry, take a handful of dirt and try to squeeze it into a ball. If the ball breaks into pieces easily, you're good to go. If not, your soil is not dry enough.
However, keep in mind that several weeds can be beneficial for good soil and garden ecology. If you have any of these 5 weeds (including broadleaf plantain, chickweed, saffron, white clover, and dandelion), compost on site.
add compost to your bed
Match specific products to plant type and any specific nutritional needs based on soil testing. Add a 3- to 4-inch layer of compost to your garden, then use a digging fork or wide fork to work it gently into the soil. If you put your compost in while the soil is still warm, microbes and beneficial soil organisms will immediately start breaking it down, readying it for spring. After a long growing season, strengthening or repairing the soil will balance and strengthen the soil in preparation for the upcoming spring planting.
Preparing new garden beds

Do you want to expand your garden? Now is a great time to plan some new space, move and build new beds to showcase your new plants. You can measure your available space and use graph paper to plan things out. You might be surprised how much space you have when you tweak your garden a little.
If you're looking to buy more raised garden beds, I recommend the AluzincMetalGardenBed (Why You Need the AluzincMetalGardenBed). Why not buy your little ones the Herb & Kids range to foster their passion for gardening this coming spring? U-shaped raised garden beds are great for growing more vegetables and other plants if you have the space to grow.
Remove broken trees and shrubs_
Prune any type of damaged, dead, or storm-damaged branches during winter. Also, snip off the tips of any evergreens that have actually withered from the winter cold.
start sowing specific seeds indoors
January and February are good times to start seeds indoors. For indoor growing, you'll need a seed starting tray and some potting soil suitable for growing the seeds. Place the seeds in a warm room with plenty of light and moisten the soil regularly. Follow the directions on the back of the seed packet for best results.
Take your seedlings outdoors to a sunny location during the day and bring them back to your home at night, during which time your seedlings will acclimate to the outdoor weather.
start collecting rainwater
Harvesting rainwater is actually important to eco-horticulture. Install a water head in your garden this winter to take advantage of seasonal rainfall. Most of the rain in a year is in winter, so hurry up and collect it! Peak water use during the hotter months often forces water utilities to overuse groundwater reserves and rivers, which is harmful to the environment and costly to consumers.
Rainfall is actually an ideal water source for plants. Blueberries, camellias, and rhododendrons, in particular, grow best when it rains, due to the fact that tap water is usually a bit alkaline.
Put it under the downpipes of your residence, or even under the shed after the plumbing is installed. If you have a closed drain, you'll need a diverter kit to siphon off some of the rainwater.
Maintenance of Fences and Trellises
Winter is the ideal time of year to get these maintenance jobs done. Check your pergolas, gates and fence panels for any signs of weather damage or rot. Repairing or replacing any damaged parts and any damaged structures will allow you to spend more time in the garden in the spring and summer. Also, clean fence panels and gates with a power washer to remove dirt, moss, and mold. Use a stiff-bristle brush to help remove stubborn dirt. Likewise, you can collect those fallen leaves and rotting wood as compost during maintenance.
cleaning and sanding garden tools
Getting your tools and supplies ready is a great way to start spring. Take the time to clear and raise your toll during the winter months. Maintaining your garden tools will help protect them, save you money and time in the long run, and help prevent the spread of disease. A dirty pruner is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. It is recommended to use strong detergent, hot water and detergent to clean the blade tools. Sharpening your tools will also improve their performance and make them easier to use. After sharpening, apply some oil or WD40 to the blade and hinge. Hand tools including shovels, hoes, trowels and rakes will also benefit from a good cleaning and oiling. Many big stores will sell gardening supplies, because you need to bring these in winter, you can pick one.